Stainless steel with bent wood inlay rings


Stainless steel with bent wood inlay rings. As of now, the rings shown are the only ones that are available.  I hope to have enough demand to order more ring cores and make more!  As pictured:

A. Eucalyptus, size 13

B. Walnut, size 12

C. Olive, size 9

D. Mesquite, size 8

E. Acacia, size 7

The additional photo shows these rings in a different light.

If you’d like to order one or more of these, click the order button.  When taken to the next page, click the “Proceed to Checkout” button.  Once at the Cart page, there is a comment field in the upper right of the page where you can tell me which one(s) you’d like.



stainless steel with wood inlay rings
stainless steel with wood inlay rings